Hello Everyone,I sincerely apologize as it been TOO long. Due to COVID-19 I've been down for the count for several weeks now. Just to keep it simple, just pray for me as this post is about finally getting WIFI! Please check our Facebook Page, and Instagram for latest updates as well.
As you can see we are FINALLY able to video chat! We completed our FIRST weekly virtual meeting this Sunday. The mothers and children are going to meet every Sunday, in-person completing their weekly face to face contact. In between Sundays, Lewi, our tutor will be calling the girls for English prep and homework help several times throughout the week. Nigist will also be calling the women once week to set life goals and overall progress. Despite the pandemic, thankfully we've been able to send monthly support and provide much-needed help! Emabet recently delivered her new baby girl on 8/21/2020 and her name is Bethelem. While she is currently on maternity leave, Mekdes will be employed as a housekeeper. We've also been fortunate enough to have a wifi bet installed in our compound, and we just pay our data charges! This is really amazing because now I can facetime with them frequently, send over resources, and communicate more effectively. We have also been bless with being able to purchase a new iPhone and it will be sent over as soon as I travel back to Ethiopia after COVID-19 is over. Eventually we would like to purchase tablets for the children to use and a laptop for the tutor. Thank you all for being patient with us as we silently make moves! Please stay safe and God bless.
Heyyy Beauties! LOL its been TOOOOO long, but the winner has FINALLY been announced & contacted!
(CNN) Ethiopia planted more than 353 million trees in 12 hours on Monday, which officials believe is a world record.
The burst of tree planting was part of a wider reforestation campaign named "Green Legacy," spearheaded by the country's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Millions of Ethiopians across the country were invited to take part in the challenge and within the first six hours, Ahmed tweeted that around 150 million trees had been planted. All with LOVE please dont hesitate to message me, just may be a delay :P
After my exam, DE will be getting a MAJOR uplift & changes will be made! Hello Everyone!!! Especially to my new supporters (and the seasoned ones too)! Here is some photos of TODAYS session with the girls and the women we are supporting. If you'd like to see how we are supporting woman and children by ending prostitution, please click the button below. $135 was sent last Friday (5/11/2019), thank you ALL who continue to support & may God bless yall! It was able to go directly to rent fees, school free, food, and transportation. Here are pictures of today's (5/18/2019) counseling session and also where they were able to get their monetary donations! Enjoy!
Happy Monday guys!!! I’m suuuuper busy as I’m ending one job on Friday and beginning another on Monday! Also studying for my LSAT & working on getting a house. 😅. Pray for me y’all! Lol but I’ve been keeping up to date with #Ethiopia. The connection hasn’t been strong enough to download the registration forms so we are still waiting on those. Other than everything is going great! Heyy Guys!! We are BACK with registration forms finalized! These forms will ONLY be accessed between the After School tutor, After School Counselor, and I. Certain information will be released once filled out in order for personalized donations! I am super excited, I've also attached them at the bottom of this post, and I welcome any and all feedback! The next step is getting this information to our staff and getting copies printed and reuploaded electronically. I would like to do a celebration with everyone and their progress as we are consistently growing. A giveaway of bookbags, toys, school supplies, and clothes would be nice! Lets tighten things up!!!
Heyyy Supporters! Here is an much needed update where we are taking Dear Ethiopia into a new direction! Due to daylight savings time we are now not everyday after school, but a saturday program! Its unsafe for the girls to return home as dark as it gets now. We may switch back once daylight savings rolls back around!
We are also going to begin registration shortly! I will be making a registration form for our tutor and counselor to fill out for both parents and children since we are able to welcome more children in our program. What our program includes:
Donation Schedule: Along with a new school schedule, we will collecting donations for the month. Donations are going to be due on the last Friday of each month and sent shortly afterwards. What do donations cover?
Goals: As you know we are servicing a population that severely impoverish, and may have huge difficulties coming out the lifestyle and we would like to ease that transition. We would like to offer rent support ($15-$40) every month, so that mothers will have a safe place and a home to retreat to. We would also like to have food available for pick up to ease the burden, as well as their children's school fees. We have currently been providing for two families (one since 2015 and the other since 2017) and we would like to extend that with you help! Click HERE to read about those two families. Hey Strangers!
It's been TOO long! Unfortunately I've been MIA due to unforeseen circumstances. I was laid off my job which has caused me to scramble and taken most of my time picking up small jobs in order to stay afloat. I will be out of town the 16th-26th and after I return I will be back full force!! These minor setbacks are just enabling God for a major comeback! Just keep me in your prayers & God bless you all!! Ps. We are still having the program and donations are being sent. Program times are held on weekends until further notice. More details will be explained after the 26th. Much Love, Camille Whyte <3 ![]() YUUUP you heard it! Dear Ethiopia is adopting Transformation Church's motto being HOT, which has been defined as Humble (& Honest), Open, & Transparent! This means that EVERY month, we will posting how much money is collected every month and how every nickel, dime, and penny is being spent! Below is August's expenses and detailed notes. August's Expenses & BudgetBreakdown of Budget in Ethiopian Birr
Total Expenses = $7,155.00 |
| YUUUP you heard it! Dear Ethiopia is adopting Transformation Church's motto being HOT, which has been defined as Humble (& Honest), Open, & Transparent! This means that EVERY month, we will posting how much money is collected every month and how every nickel, dime, and penny is being spent! Below is August's expenses and detailed notes. |
August's Expenses & Budget
Date Sent: 8/6/2018 Receiver: Nigist (Counselor) Amount: $300.00usd = $8,185 Ethiopian Birr *An additional $5 was added for transfer fees Breakdown of Budget in Ethiopian Birr
Total Expenses = $7,055 Birr
Savings = $1,130 Birr
If you like to donate please hit the button below.
They are doing really well as you can see in the photos these donations really go a long way! I can't wait to expand reach more families! By God grace we will be there soon! Stay in touch for Bereket's update this week as well!
These two have minds of a sponges and are eager to learn!
Please check out how you can support the renovation cost of opening an After school program focused on educating our girls who are vulnerable to human trafficking.
I'd like to to show you the before photos, of before we renovate! The girls were thinking painting the room pink! Whatchall think? ha they are so girly, it be we super cute! I cant wait to see the transformation!
But again, thank you ALL for your contributions and support! its going a long way to help these little girls! PLEASE share to your Friends! Click HERE for a special message to ALL of our donors.

While working in Ethiopia this passed fall, I had many "Buna Time" meetings with women who were prostituting themselves. We where we would build up sisterhood and discussed the hardships they face and one major concern is they feared for their daughters repeating their mistakes. They also enclosed that sometimes their daughters have to go all day without food because their isn't enough money to send for both breakfast and lunch.
SOOOOOO thats were the After School program comes in!!! We are fundraising for the $550 for the opening day! Buuuut there is mooore ha while fundraising we are doing it Reverse Raffle Style, giving the opportunity to one lucky donor to win $550! Click the buttons blow for details!!
I am in Arizona at the moment so I will be recording a video pretty soon! Thank you for your support!!!
Dear Ethiopia, we are ENDING human trafficking!
Our plan is to do an initial renovation fundraiser, then later down the line a technology campaign and finally, we would need re-occurring monthly donations to fund the children's daily lunch, the tutor's salary, and the counselor's salary. For details and goals of the After School Program click HERE.
Bashia is also featured as a TOP Donor on our website which you can see here: http://www.dearethiopia.org/top-donors.htmlThank you for your donations you’ve been contributing for years now 😘. It’s going a long way!
……Speaking on Ethiopia…. Look what I bought Bereket
I am aiming to go on a personal trip in Feb, for like a monthish! Its still very up in the air and I am aiming to save enough for this trip! Hopefully its a lot cheaper then the past years!
Hey beauties, its Camille(: 26, The Ohio State Alumna.
I LOVE coffee, and chocolate (esp when they are together). I you liked to know more about me simply click here.
After School Program
Dear Ethiopia
HOT Finances | Humble
Project Me
Travel Updates
August 2020
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