August's Expenses & Budget
Total Expenses = $7,055 Birr |
Nardos B, Man I love this girl! She has also been my my right hand and also happens to be Nigit’s fourth child. She has been helping with planning, setting up goals, and strategies minamin. I could also write a novel on these two loves but I’ll save that for later. ha but she wears an XS & S if you feel lead to buy her clothes. Although this family is volunteering helping, they are not in the upperclass and living extravagant lifestyles in Ethiopia. They are doing what God has lead them to do! |
Age: 7
Mom: Emabet Getachew
Favorite Food: Shiro & Pasta
Favorite Drink: Mirinda & Coca
Favorite Color: Pink
God Mom: ME :D
Fun Facts: Only child, placed #6 in BCI ranking for KG classes, Loves electronics, loves writing/coloring. She was born in Addis & loves to help with cooking and making coffee.
Unique Fact: Initially Bereket wasn't named when she was born. Someone else named her Bereket meaning blessing. & I chose her middle name of Tsion, meaning Zion. I’ve been praying about her name for a while and then Lauryn Hill hit me with Zion ha (just being real). But its perfect.
& Now lets look at her progression:
Special thanks to BCI, My Uncle Charles Henry, and Nigisti for making things possible.
Dear Ethiopia this is Bereket Tsion Getachew.
Where she at, I am!
I’m her bestie, yes ma’am,
No you can’t steal my fran!”
I woke up the next day with a sore throat, a lost of voice, and an absence from the person who knew me best!
Then I graduated and went to OSU, and she had one more year left of high school because her high school was a five year program. The following year is when we became a lil distant when she went to Toledo. Ha she hated that school! But even that didnt stop us, we’d still Facetime in between study breaks. I’d complain about my crazy roommates and she’d tell me about how ghetto Toledo was. Although we’d never stepped a foot each other’s campus we knew exactly what our dorms looked like. Until she came and visited my dorm where I met Durrell (her boyfriend at the time) for the first time face to face after the years of hearing his voice over the phone. She’d also talked about how he was helping her deal with the craziness at Toledo where he attended also.
Then she started applying for OSU for the fall! She sent me her essay and I helped her with it, and it was about the first time she had heart surgery and her family. Later she got accepted, we were to be reunited in school! I could finally effortlessly excel in those natural sciences :P
Twins that were born almost a month a part…
The day of her funeral was so hard! She past on Wednesday and her funeral was on Friday. When I seen her light pink casket roll past me all I could think is “that surely that cannot be MY friend in there!” Everything felt like a twisted joke or dream. Then we went into the grave site, and I was walking back to the car holding my breath so I wouldnt cry I ran into Morgan (Sam’s niece’s mother). And she said “….Samirah didnt open up to a lot of people, but she opened up to you!” then I started crying again “Awee I didnt mean to make you cry!” I continued back to the car.
If only I could burry the agony with her body….
There was one time I was at the campus Bible study and someone walking from across the room towards was like “Hey, I seen your post that your friend died…are you okay?” I held my breath and said “I’m FINE.”. Said “Are you sure”, still not breathing “Yes”. And that was that, for me and maybe this is just me, but I am not about to open up to a room full of people whom I dont know, and expose how deep this cut is and burst out in tears. And for what? You know what I am going through, I cry and revisit those emotions, but the next few days I dont hear from you lol I’m not about that life either. Ahh another time, I was at home I was like I cant believe all this is happening (as there was a series of unfortunate events) and one of my roommates (not the one from that night) replied “it is what it is.” It literally took the ENTIRE Holy Spirit not for me jump across the room and punch her. Or when that same person said the day of her funeral “you should go to class and get back into the swing of things,” like anything would ever be the same again. Yea this whole mourning stage wasn’t going as I planned. I wasnt trying to make any new friendship, or attempt maintain the ones that had. But that didnt bother me, the worst thing was I didnt have Samirah here to help me deal with her death, to talk me through it and make me laugh again! So don’t judge my story on the chapter you walked in on, that was definitely the climax lowest point.

So I am making it, pain still comes for visit as pleases. I recently had a dream that my mom and her mom was talking and I was walking down the street and she was there and she told me it was a misunderstanding. So we continued down the streets and I fell on my knees worshiping and thanking God. I know we will be reunited, but until then I can only dream. It still feels like she is just on a long vacay and I am waiting for those “hey sis” text. Sometimes I think “Okay, God I get it, I get the point You’re making You can bring her back again like Lazarus” (even though I know thats not right). But I dont have any regrets, she was at her dream school and she met a soulmate. We’ve never done each other wrong, I only wish we took more pictures along the ride. And I only fear the future memories that she isnt apart of. Like graduation, Law school, traveling, and each others my wedding.
So yall pray for my strength & healing and for me to become comfortable with this vulnerability as September 17th approaches and we plan her Tribute and anniversary.
This is _______,
These are all the beautiful letters written on Jan 17th, the night of the benefit for Dear Ethiopia!! I can’t wait to pass them all out! They are so thoughtful and wonderfully written! Thanks again.
The letters are beautiful, and the donations are amazing!! It is a huge blessing! I will be posting more videos and photos soon! But here is Frehiwot’s (Enat) Video that I showed that night! Be sure to watch it HD on Vimeo :)
I’ve been working on this for daaaaaays! S/o to Nati, Ruth & Jalane for looking over & translations!
In case you missed the trailer:
Hope you enjoy! Again this is just Chapter One…only the beginning! The next chapter will focus more on the Holy Ghost & how He moved!
Wow, as I was going through my photos and videos from Ethiopia. I forgot upload Rosa’s video!
Kelkias (one of BCI’s members) recorded a video of Genet & Rosa Daniel (BCI recipients) with a little message to their sponsors. He used his phone (please excuse the quality) and we just added English subtitles (…Sorry for the timing on those as well.)
Also here is the video in HD:
Here is also trailer to Emabet & Bereket’s “A Child Who Had No Name”. I have been working hard and almost finished with part one:
“The day I took Emabet & Bereket to get some extra bling! Lol Bereket wanted her ears pierced soooo bad so we went and got them done…. And look how she took it! just like a straight up G! See that lil smile after it went through? Thats my baby!”
Meet Fikir. She is 6 years old and a lil fire ball! She lost both her parents and is currently living with her elderly Grandparents. She loves to tickle, and is extremely fearless. This is Fikir!
* Thank you Taylin for the shirt, & Nazaret (our young donors) for the pants that was given to Fikir, as you can see she loves it!
For better quality photos of Fikir please Click here:
& For more info on Fikir and if you would like to know if she need sponsorship for schooling, please inbox me or email me @ [email protected]
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Hey beauties, its Camille(: 26, The Ohio State Alumna.
I LOVE coffee, and chocolate (esp when they are together). I you liked to know more about me simply click here.
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