If you havent seen on facebook or IG (NapturalGirl) I have made it safe & sound to the beautiful land with beautiful people and…..No wifi! Ha, in Addis its better but due to the elections here in Bishoftu there is absolutely no 3G. Hopefully after they announce the winning party it will be better! Soooooo….Of course on my first day I had to see with my Baby! she loooooooves the dress I got her!! (Thank you Kathy for the Minnie Mouse & Wila for the shoes). She is so cute! I came over and they made me Buna and we had kolo :P yum! These past few days at the hope house have been really amazing! Its been really good connecting and spending time with the women! I finished writing up the survey, and will be administrating them soon. So I’ll get to know the women in a deeper level! Really excited about that! Also I will be in addis tomorrow! Cant wait to reconnect with my long lost twin! Its sooo weird our faces are the same & our personalities match as well! We have to do a photoshoot soon(:
I am also anxiously anticipating the Blaze movement and its beginning! Its gonna be awesssssoooooooommmmeee! Please pray for us! If you dont know what I am talking about just go to facebook and type in Blaze movement! its going to be a might move of God! Weeeelp thats enough for this post! God willing you will hear from me soon!
I Cant wait to get to that good Ethiopian soil! I think its finally starting to hit me ha! But Bereket & Emabet do not know that I am coming and I cannot wait to surprise them!! its gonna be soo cute! I am having Mekdes take them to Rosemary Restaurant and then Imma come in walk in and surprise them!! Im going to record the whole thing too so stay tuned for that as well... Also if you want to text me download Viber or Whatsapp on your device! And for live updates, follow me on SnapChat!!! Thanks!! More updates coming soon!!
Hey guys!! Guess what I am turning 21! ANNNNNNNNND I am having a benefit for Dear Ethiopia!!! I am really excited about this this event! ALSO I am PLEASE to announce that I will be going back to Ethiopia this summer!! This will be held on Saturday Jan 17th, 2015 (Which is my actual 21st birthday) and the whole idea is to raise donations for my 3 month trip to Ethiopia! So instead of possibly purchasing me a gift (Although Im not too old for gifts :P ) this is raising funds, clothes donations, and any other supplies to help people in Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia! This night will include lots of fun, games, a re-cap presentation of last year’s trip and details about this summer trip. These donations include all ages and ALL sizes, and not just children, also collecting luggage I can leave in Ethiopia so I can just leave for them. If you choose to donate money, it’ll go towards my plane ticket (Which was almost $2,000 last year), also going towards paying the luggage fees of sending extra bags ($150 per 50lb bag) and any extra will be helping the families in Ethiopia (i.e paying rent, building houses, buying clothes, food etc.) So please come with a donations! :) ![]() Details of the Event: Date: Saturday January 17th, 2015 Time: 6:30pm-10:00pm (NO HABESHA TIME) Location: 72 Woodland Ave, Columbus, OH 43202 Also the attire is optional “cocktail attire/business casual” (basically no jeans please) So if you’re interested please RSVP ASAP via Tumblr inbox (just hit the message button on the left hand side), text, email ([email protected]), or FB invite! Thank you so much for your support and hope to see you there!!
*If you like to donate before hand simply hit the donate button on the side or click here
Hey Konjits,
after 420384390859045849036349084230 times of trying to upload this video….here is my recap on my very first week at BCI! Hope you enjoy(: Be on the look out for tomorrow’s video, it has a couple students answering some questions! My computer is full and acting very weird, but I think it because its full to capacity! Not allowing me to function properly when uploading and using safari! Until then, enjoy this little cutie(:
Hey guys! Long time no see! We have sooooo much to ketch up on, but I’ve been at the academy for almost a week (6 days & Ethiopia a total of 26 days) and I had my very first home visit today! Debre Zeyit is TOTALLY different from Addis! Its a lot more chill, and a lot less people! I haven’t gone too far from the guest house & school for exploring, but I haven’t seen any beggars, and guys don’t CONSISTENTLY whistle & hit on you. Anyways, this morning I had my first home visit!!! And of course it was my favorite….. BEREKET! Lol I LOVE HER, She is my FAVORITE!!!! (Shhhh). She is the cutest, tiniest little four year old ever! During the home visit, we talked to her mom and checked in how she is doing. Making sure she has a good appetite, and maintaining a balanced nutritious diet! Unfortunately she had to miss school yesterday because of stomach issues, but we were able to pinpoint the cause, which was unclean water. The family ran out of filtered water, but she was all smiles today :) Also, I was able to bless her with a bunch of clothes as well…and of course everyone’s favorite….BUBBLE GUM. Lol she loved it! and kept going through all the clothes! Here are few photos Bereket & her beautiful mother!A special shout out to Juanita, Kalome & Kailaya Montgomery for donating a HUGE portion of clothes. Also Smash Beauty (Ash-lee Jackson) with #AskSeekKnock, for donating the “Psalm 139:14, I Am Not A Mistake” T-shirts. P.s I just finished editing a video of my first week at BCI, I should be posting tomorrow if time & wifi permits! :) lol stay tuned.
Heyyy Guys! Long time no see! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I made to….. Yes after 14 hours, and over 7k miles! I made it & made it safely! I have actually been here for about a week….And I LOVE IT!! I got to volunteer at “The Ford School” for only a couple hours, but it was pretty awesome (can you find me in the picture above?)! I was a nervous at first, but the children seem to really enjoy me & kept asking about my background. It kinda funny that “African American” is a foreign concept for them. After going through a few periods of 5th & 6th graders, we had free time and I got to see most the kids pre-K through 8th grade. This is Anna, I was sitting on the stairs and she just came up to me and laid her head on my shoulder. Lol my heart melted! I’ll be posting a couple cute videos in a separate post! Also, I was fortunate enough to tour both the beautiful African Union & The US embassy! The AU was soooo beautiful and BIG! *I have sooo much more to say, and I’ll be posting later, but Its pretty late (we are 7hrs ahead) and I have church in the morning! *Cues Praise break* BUT if you want to keep in contact with me, download this app called “Viber”. This app is available on both iOS (Phones & Macs) and Andriod systems. Its completely free if you have wifi, but you’re able to text and/or call me! Although Im not sure how frequent my wifi availability will be, you can still write me on FB or twitter! I also update my instagram pretty frequently (@itsEthiDOPEian).
Thanks!!! I’ll be posting more shortly, God willing! I love y'all! Ps I’m still accepting donations at GoFundMe.com/DearEthiopia . Hey Guys! Sorry for not updating you’ll but again my computer was getting repaired. BUT she is fixed now! I’ve been keeping busy with quite a few photo shoots recently! Here are a few… *Gets back on topic* With only a few days until I hit the airplane…All that is left is to finish up packing. I received and abundance of clothes donated, so much so that I cannot receive any more! Once I find an appropriate bag big enough those clothes will be ready!
Thanks for your patience and support! xoxox…..and oh yea… Hey Guys! Sorry its been like forever! I’ve been having computer problems again “/. BUT…. I leave May 24th!!! I will be in Ethiopia until July 24th.
I have an extra 50lbs bag in which I am collecting donations, ALL sizes from newborn- adult sizes!! If you have any clothes that’d you would like to donate please text, inbox, or email me at: [email protected] Thanks for all your support! I am still collecting donations at Gofundme.com/dearethiopia . There is still a lot to be done! Thanks again. Salem nachu? Dena nachu? Its been a couple weeks, but I am still waiting on my laptop to return from repairs. As the days get closer to my trip the excitement builds and things start to fall into place! I have a few updates and details on exactly what I will be doing on my internship! My internship is through Blessing The Children International and I will be working as a social work intern in Debre Zeyit, Ethiopia (45 mins from Addis). Blessing the Children currently has 168 children, and I will be shadowing other social workers on their daily activities. This is going to be mainly home visits to the children in their program all over Debre Zeyit. Each child receives at least one home visit per month, often times children receive more than one if their sponsor sends them a letter or package or if the child has special needs. Some of our younger children have special nutritional needs so they receive daily or weekly visits. I will also be participating in planning and helping run the monthly activity days (a day that includes the children receiving a hot meal, playing games, having a craft, praise and worship and a skit), monthly grain and support distribution, the feeding programs at the BCI Academy (breakfast, milk and lunch program), taking the children shopping and handing out special gifts and letters sent from sponsors and helping the children write letters to their sponsors. This is the basis of what their social workers do but they also participate in special programs when teams are in Ethiopia, special holiday programs, BCI Academy programs (English competition, Art Exhibit, Soccer Tournament, etc) and also medical trips to Addis for their children who have special medical needs. (The photos above are from Blessing The Children, I do not own any of them)
Updates: I am in a program at OSU that will give me a $2,000 grant towards my trip (Plane ticket) once completion. I have already posted it to my GoFundMe account, although the money isn’t released until May. I still help raising funds, because the absolutely latest I can pay the remaining balance is the end of April! So please, donate, share, subscribe, tell your neighbor & your neighbor’s neighbor :). Thanks, I love you guys! Stay tuned tomorrow I will disclosing the Habesha Night I will be having at my church! It will be a night of worship, and more information on Ethiopia & my internship! God Bless! :* |
AuthorHey beauties, its Camille(: 26, The Ohio State Alumna. Categories
August 2020